Long Rides

September 19, 2014  •  2 Comments


What defines a long bike ride? For some people it's around the block and for others it's to points unknown and distances undeclared. Katelyn Vonfeldt is on the later.  She left Kansas with a few defined points but otherwise simply set out to ride her bike and explore the western parts of the country from the best vantage point, her bike seat.


I find it ironic that the people riding around the block may have a heavily padded bike seat while people traveling mega miles have no padding. Hmmm. 


Colorado was certainly on the list of places to ride thru on her way to another defined destination, Ketchum, Idaho for no other reason than to go ride her bike in Rebecca's Private Idaho a a challenging but spectacular Gravel Grinder Grand Fondo. She lined up with 300 like minded cyclist in the early hours to go explore the wide open spaces above and beyond Trail Creek Summit.



Her business card sums it all. I wouldn't necessarily say that she's soul searching as many think when people take a long solo journey, although she is making lots of discoveries, for instance how to look at ordinary things in an extraordinary way.  Kateltyn has actually been riding with other cyclists on similar excursions. She is looking to live life to it's fullest while trying to make it happen on $10 a day. 



As the sign says over Rebecca Rusch's left shoulder "Wake Up and Live" which is what Katelyn continues to focus on as she leaves Ketchum, ID for point northwest.






assignmenthelper review(non-registered)
Heretofore, much applied photography was done by hand. Nowadays it's correspondingly as standard to use PC programs like Photoshop to pass on the effects found in hypothetical photography, at any rate various experts paying little heed to everything do utilize ordinary applied photography procedures.
Andre Breton(non-registered)
A beautiful journey ... no destination needed. Thanks for sharing the text as photos!
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